The Griffith Family:
I would love a lifestyle session! My family is at its best when we are at home, relaxing and enjoying each other. No appointments or commitments, just playing and spending time together. Jennifer, Mike, Piper, Cassidy and Violet
The Young Family:
I would LOVE a lifestyle session. I am the "photographer" in my household and take plenty of pictures of my girls, but when it comes to family photos, we have none. We did a professional photo session after our first daughter was born 7 years ago and also went to Sears for pics of "just the girls" 2 years ago and both sessions were terrible. I have basically given up on getting one of us all together as it does not seem worth the frustration and they don't turn out anyhow! When I try the self timer option, I never really capture the moment. I have looked at your site many times and just love your pictures. You have a way of capturing the magic of children. I would love, love, love to have a session where you capture the joy and love and magic we have as a family (not me saying "Everyone, look at the flashing light! Smile when it stops blinking. SMILE!") I see my kids growing up before my eyes and would love to capture a moment in time. I read an article about how a mom usually stayed out of the photos as she felt she never really looked her best. She then reflected on her own childhood and how she loved to see the pictures with her mother as those were the ones that were truly special to her. Since reading that, I have made it a goal to try to get out from behind the camera more and in the picture with my girls. Hence, the picture I am including. We took it with the self timer a few days ago and it is actually my favorite ever. Now if we could just have one with my husband included too!
The Grossman Family:
Our family would LOVE one of your photo shoots! Your photos are absolutely amazing! We have a very busy 3 1/2 year old who is so tricky for me to photograph, and a new crawler (13 mo)! I'm sure you are up for the challenge! We tried to get a family portrait at Christmas time and they all turned out blurry or couldn't see everyone. Please help us!!! We would be forever greatful for your help!
The Harris Family:
When I saw your post about the Lifestyle Sessions -- and the fact that they took place in a family's home -- I was super excited! Our home is a very special place to us - I am excited to have my kids grow up in this house and many of the rooms have been remodeled by my husband (with a little help from me!) which makes it even more special. It is truly our home and every room seems to hold a different story and/or memory. Specifically, I am interested in a Lifestyle Session of me and my boys baking in the kitchen/dining room area ... I have many fun memories with my mom in the kitchen (specifically my birthday cake every year) and I would love to have an opportunity to document those types of moments with my kids. Just last weekend the boys and I worked on my husband's birthday cake and I remember thinking that I wish time would stop. It was just too much fun - watching them in their aprons, paying attention to every detail, licking the bowl at the end. If we had the opportunity to get the Lifestyle Session, I would hope to capture a mom and sons moment similar to that -- making memories here, in our home.
IS this working?
groffith fam
The Griffith Family!
Edmonds :)
Harris Family!!!
Harris family!!!!! -Jessica Frint
Edmonds all the way.
I vote for the Griffith Family. Sorry everyone else, your families are really great, too! Good luck to all of you.
The Griffith Family!
The Griffith Family
Harris Family!
The Griffith Family
The Grossman Family
The Griffith Family!
The Harris Family for SURE!!!!! Love them!! :)
The Harris Family.
Griffith family. Those girls are super cute!
Harris Family!
Edmonds Family
Edmonds Family
Griffith family.
Harris family!
griffith family all the way
griffith family
griffith family
griffith family
The Griffith Family...
Young family
Griffith family
Young Family...their kids look so thoroughly happy and at ease in their own home. No staging, just real life beautiful messes enjoyed to the hilt! Awesome!
These parents are so devoted to their girls. There is always so much fun laughter and communication amoung the family and all of the girls friends
Not suprised the Young family are finalists. My vote is for them all the way!
Young Family...Beautiful!
Young Family!!!
The Harris Family!
Go Young family!
the young family!
Wow. It's a family cute-off! I gotta say I vote for the Young family. Totally remember that feeling of throwing confetti (or whatever) in the air and not having to clean it up! Right on!
All these families seem wonderful and deserving, but my vote is for the Young Family!! I completely empathize with not having a picture of the family all together, full of love, laughter, and joy!
The Young family.
griffith for sure! bunch of cutie pies!
Griffith Family!
All the families are beautiful, but I vote for the Griffith family
Young Family!
Young family
Young family for the win
The Young Family
Young Family!
Young Family all the way
The Young Family
The Young Family. Mom needs to be in the pictures! The girls really deserve to have pix of their entire family together. Jenny does really amazing and creative things with her girls. She is sure to get pictures of the girls with other family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc...). Jen even takes pictures of the girls with gifts people have gotten them, sending them along with thank you notes. Jenny is one of those moms who never asks for anything for herself, so I will reiterate what she says about hoping for family photos that actually have the entire family of four in them. You will most definitely enjoy the photo shoot if they are chosen, this is a great family full of love. So, short story long, I vote for the Youngs.
Young Family!!!
The Young Family! They are a loving, dedicated, caring family who deserve it!
Young Family!!
Griffith fam
Harris Family! :)
Young family
Harris family
The Griffith Family - I hope they win - and can't wait to see some photos!!!!!!!!!
The Young family NEED a quality family portrait... one that can hang up on the wall next to all the beautiful photos of the girls.
the Griffith Family!
the Young Family
The Griffith Family
This is one family that really work together to ensure happiness, laughter and communication amoung their three girls.
Griffith Family A fun family to be with. Always going somewhere for the children to experience new things.
griffith family
griffith family are one happy family
Great grandma says the Griffith Family This family works and plays together. They show so much love and respect for each other.
Great Great grandma Edith votes for the Griffith Family.
The Griffith Family
Griffith Family
You guys should win
Griffith Family
Yeah! Hope you win
The Young Family. (By Barb).
The Young Family! (Mike T.)
Harris Family!!!!
Young family please.
The Griffith Family - The girls are so loved and it shows in their beautiful faces.
Young Family!
Griffith Family
Young family
Harris Family all the way!!!
Griffith Family
griffith family for shure
I vote griffith family
Young family!!!
The Young Family! Wouldn't it be great to see Mom in more pictures?!
young family
Young Family
Woo hoo Young Family!
My vote is for the Young Family (Shan)
Young family (JT) hope you win!
One for the Young Family! Super cute.
Young family
Young Family!
Those girls are so cute! Young family all the way!
The Young Family!!!
The Young Family!!!
The Young Family.... Let's give them an Easter present they won't forget and will cherish forever!
The Young family! They are such a wonderful family filled with sweetness, creativity, love, and fun. They really REALLY deserve this!
Grossman Family!
The Young family!
The Grossman Family! They deserve some good photos of their entire family!
Grossman family!
The Young family!!
Pick the Young's!!
The Grossmans
The Grossman Family
The Grossmans :)
Grossman Family
Young Family
Young Family looks like a winner!
Grossman Family!!!!
Grossman Family, please!
The Grossmans
The Grossman Family!
Grossman Family
The Young Family!
I vote for the Young Family.
I think the Young Family should win. :)
Young Family, they are awesome!
The Young Family
My vote goes to the Young Family
The Grossman Family!
I hope for the young family
Another vote for the young family!!
The Grossman Family
I pity the fool who don't vote for the Young's!!!
We vote for the Grossman Family!
Young Family!!
Happy Spring YOUNG FAMILY!!!!
Grossman Family
Young family...for pictures that will last a lifetime!
Please choose the young family!
Grossman Family are the right family!
Young family! Those girls are so cute!
Young Family! you think there could be a second prize or something? All the families are so sweet looking, but my vote goes for the Young family :)
Grossman Family are the right people to win!
Griffith family
Grossman Family!!
Harris family!!!!
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